Real-Time Information
Train circulation
Alhambra ISS publishes train-circulation related information such as train destination, stations serviced by the train, commuting stations and lines and additional features such as double rolling-stock composition, accessibility for reduced mobility people, special trains reserved for the transportation of students, etc.
Infrastructure & traffic disruption issues
Alhambra ISS publishes information related to issues in infrastructure affecting circulations of trains. Alhambra ISS covers incidences such as line closures, shuttle train circulation, partial-service train circulation, special service train circulation and others. Alhambra ISS publishes information related to issues occurring in the infrastructure and train circulation.
Advertising, corporate & passenger advice-related information
Alhambra ISS publishes information on the station network’s status, additional services and advertising.
Management of long term planning
Live train-tracking
Alhambra ISS live-tracks each train’s circulation, integrating the information with train dispatching systems and CTC systems.
Manual Operations
Alhambra ISS allows train-dispatching operations as the edition of the delay or the suppression of a given train. The operator of Alhambra ISS can also edit the entrance platform of the train to the station.
Information about the network of stations, additional services and advertising.
Centralized & local operation modes
Information channels
- Alhambra ISS manages the repository of messages used by public address systems.
- Alhambra ISS integrates with multiple manufacturers’ devices.
- Alhambra ISS publishes information in multiple visual formats.
- Alhambra ISS is a multi-operator system allowing to have different operator roles.
- Alhambra ISS is designed to be internationalized to different languages.
- Alhambra ISS integrates with videowall systems to show the tracking of train circulations and device’s status
- Alhambra ISS integrates with TTS engines to generate messages used by public address systems.
- Alhambra ISS runs on multiple hardware platforms.
- Alhambra ISS has a simulator module to provide specific operational situations.
- Alhambra ISS generates statistics and manages historical data.
- Alhambra ISS integrates with real-time public IP addressing systems.
- Alhambra ISS runs on a cluster with high availability.
- Alhambra ISS manages zones and groups of devices